- Let’s get start to edit the configurations, to insert content about your place. Access to the tab configurations, and then click on “Edit” button to start:

2. After you click on “Edit” this is what you see to field. The number of languages depend on the plan you choose. Inthis case, we are using the plan Pro, to show all the configurations. Choose the languages you want to use and scrool the page down.

3. Here you field the information about the localization of your place
Select the:
- Country
- District
- City
To fiels the Latitud and longitud, you need to go to the Google Maps, search your place, and with the rigth side of you mouse click above the pin, and then click on the firts result, it will copy automatic
4. This functionality it will help you to make tests and dont be online.
When you were ready to make your place online, just need to click in the box

This functionality it will help you to make tests and dont be online.
When you were ready to make your place online, just need to click in the box

Google Maps to insert the latitude and longitude

Points Map Zoom by default this is the value standard. Its about map resolution, if show the map with more or less zoom.

Points Map Bearing its default bearing angle on point maps. To make tests you need to download the map and verified on app the way it will be show.
Imersive View URL – the url for matterport usage – you need to go www.matterport.com to use the emersive view.
With apple phone you have the app matterport available, and it will help you how to use to take the right photography. To see one example you canacess to this link, and look the final result about virtual reality : https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=QYcJzf2GHyn
Floor 1 Map – If you have a place inside a building with more the one floor, you can use a map to show your place. In this field select your floor.
Map 1 – If you have a map of the build, you can insert here to your visitor can see you.
Insert the logo
Choose the main color: This color will show on the top of app findify
Choose de secundary color: This color it will show on the menu bellow, its define the color of little logo menu

To the end choose the language and the App Mode, and generate the QR code to share or print whit your logo:

App mode Child: you can entertain your visitor, for example children from school, whith some quiz, or other things to connect with your app.

If you click below the qr code, you can save or print.