Schedule a meeting to know more

Step 3 – Costumize your Place

To costumize your Place to show up on the app, its important insert all the information and content you can.

1. Create a Event #

Start to create aone event and insert all the content about it.

  • Give a Name
  • Add a image
  • On google maps you can search for latitude and longitude
  • Date and hour
  • Translate the tittle

Description : Write someting about the event, and add some images, music, video, or link, and format the text.

2. Create News #

Create News to informe your public for updates

Format the text the way you want

3. Contents #

You have this option to insert more categories or other things you decide to add. Dont forgete inserte some description, about the categorie.

4. Products #

If you have something to sell, you can do it by the app.

5. Points #

Add a point of interess to your place, for your public follow. It works very well if you have a lot of places to show and guide your public by localization on map, by information, gallerie, or audio. This area is also perfect to make some interaction with your public, child or adult, you can define some Quiz to make.

Translate the tittle

Create description about the point

Create a QUIZ to entertain your public. You can make two types of quiz, for childreen, adults or both.



6. Points – Create Categories #

Now you can creat your own categories dedicate to your place

7. Routes #

Start using a tittle, and translate to all languages you have.

Make a short description about your route, or any information you think is important to tell your public.

Insert all informations about the loalization, to be most precise on the app.

8. Reviews #

If you want to have avaliation from your public about your place, you can do it here, when acess to revews the first view is the results, but, to select e type of questions, please seletco the button “Questions” to make the form for reviews.


Define the tittle of reviews, write the questions in all languages you have, and define how your public will avaliate (Star, Faces, 1-5, Text), so save all edition, select Update.

Question type

9. Donations #

To add some donations count, associante a Paypal URL

Add some description about the cause.

10. Translate #

Translate all the menus in the app for every languages

11. Configurations #

Edit the configuration to define the languages you prefer to use for your public

Insert all information about your place

To finish your configurations choose the theme to use, insert image logo and select the colors.

12. My Account #

Edit your profile choosing the langage, insert the name (can be more then one member). Insert the email, and, if you want change your password select “Set New Passord”

13. Membership #

Here you have all information about you account, the plan status (if you want to change the plan, can do it here), billing history and custom domain, if you have interest to have acessto this feature.

The sites list, if you have more than 1 website or more places, you can add here and make managment on dashboard